5 Tips voor een betere sales techniek

5 Tips voor een betere sales techniek

Books didn’t always have title pages! The title page only developed gradually over the 15th and 16th centuries. Before that time, different methods were used to announce the author(s), title, edition, place of publication, printer, publisher and publication date. The elements indicating the beginning and the closing of individual textual units in medieval manuscripts persisted in the period of the earliest printed books. These elements are the incipit, the explicit, and the colophon. Just like the design of the book and the layout of the text, the text announcements in manuscripts and incunabula were the same for a while.

Books didn’t always have title pages! The title page only developed gradually over the 15th and 16th centuries. Before that time, different methods were used to announce the author(s), title, edition, place of publication, printer, publisher and publication date. The elements indicating the beginning and the closing of individual textual units in medieval manuscripts persisted in the period of the earliest printed books. These elements are the incipit, the explicit, and the colophon. Just like the design of the book and the layout of the text, the text announcements in manuscripts and incunabula were the same for a while.

“Dit is een geweldige citaat uit de tekst”

Books didn’t always have title pages! The title page only developed gradually over the 15th and 16th centuries. Before that time, different methods were used to announce the author(s), title, edition, place of publication, printer, publisher and publication date. The elements indicating the beginning and the closing of individual textual units in medieval manuscripts persisted in the period of the earliest printed books. These elements are the incipit, the explicit, and the colophon. Just like the design of the book and the layout of the text, the text announcements in manuscripts and incunabula were the same for a while.

Gechreven door

Gerrit-Jan Bargeman

Gerrit-Jan Bargeman geeft al zijn hele carrière verkoop- en leiderschapstrainingen aan de detailhandel. Hij is een aanpakker, die niet zal nalaten om je een goede spiegel voor te houden. Als mensgerichte opleider is hij erg betrokken bij zijn cursisten, die hij op de werkvloer coacht en op gezette tijden belt om gerichte feedback te geven.